2024 White Book
There is a new White Book (2024)
Changes document
Mainly alignment with changes to the Law Book and Blue Book.
- Changes to grounds for appeal to the National Authority
- Possibility of different adjustment for illegal agreement - not always "40/60"
- Retention of some Regulating Authority powers by the EBU (not assigned/delegated)
which was subject to previous discussion
Its a bit hard to see how the "Pause by third hand" change improves things.
Previously it read
"...a pause by third hand should not be considered to transmit any unauthorised information..."
Now it reads
" a reasonable pause by third hand should not usually be considered to transmit any
unauthorised information...".
Do we consider the 84 seconds in the previous discussion as "reasonable"?'
It followed a lengthy discussion on Bridgewinners in which it was agreed that the words "not be considered to transmit any unauthorised information" were less than ideal.
TDs routinely assess situations and make judgements, including whether 84 seconds is a reasonable pause in the given situation, but at least now players are not given unlimited licence to think as long as they want.