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Weighted & Split Scores & Match Points

When a TD awards a Weighted and Split score, the sum of the Match Points awarded to the NS and EW Pairs playing the Weighted & Split hand may not be the same as the sum of the MPs for other pairs playing the same hand and/or the sum of the MPs awarded to results on other boards.

Take the example quoted on pages 78 and 79 of the White Book.

6 results on each board are expected, therefore the Maximum MP awarded on all boards should be 10.

In the example Board where there is a Weighted and Spit score, MPs are awarded as follows:-

+650 NS-10; EW-1 sum=11
-100 NS-6; EW-5 sum=11
-200 NS-2; EW-8 sum=10
-790 NS-0; EW-10 sum=10
W&S NS-6; EW-1 sum=7

It seems that some pairs are getting more than their fair share of MPs.

What should be done about this?


  • Remember that in effect, on any one board, it is all the N/S pairs that are competing against each other, and all the E/W pairs against each other.
    If there are six results on a board, then (without any ruling) the total MPs available at any one table (i.e. shared between N/S & E/W) should be 10 MPs. But also, the total MPs available to all the N/S pairs alone should be 30 (e.g. 0+8+6+4+2+0). Likewise, all the E/W pairs share 30 MPs.
    When you penalise a N/S pair, then the other N/S pairs gain MPs, and the total remains 30.
    What happens with a split ruling (the fact that there might also be weighting is irrelevant to this particular point) is that both the N/S pair and the E/W pair at the same table are penalised - or at least one is penalised without the other receiving the equivalent reward. So other N/S pairs & E/W pairs get the benefit of this ruling.
    If you suspend your belief, for the moment, that the competition is between N/S and E/W at any one table, but that it is a competition between all the N/S pairs, then there is nothing wrong with this 'anomaly'.

  • Good point, I can see that NS and EW MPs sum to 30MPs which is the same as on other boards and that therefore their is no advantage.

    Thanks for pointing this out.

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