EBUScore help
Hi Everyone
I've been thinking about developing a "how to" App for EBUScore, aimed at helping people at all levels through scenarios that are unfamiliar to them.
There's a "proof of concept" that only cover a single section, single session pairs event using Bridgemates here:
If you are so inclined, please have a look and feedback whether you think such a thing would be useful, either to yourself or to other EBUScore users - especially those less experienced.
At this stage I'm not really after "it would be nice / better if it could do this", or "this is wrong" - that comes later. This is just to assess whether it's worth developing beyond the proof of concept.
A final version would cover multi session, multi section, pairs as well as teams and swiss teams, and possibly even movement selection.
Thanks for your time
Hi Jeremy
First of all well done for trialling this and producing an impressive proof of concept which I've downloaded and tried.
My personal feeling is that whilst impressed I doubt its value.
This is because in my experience people learn better by hands on experience, either in a training room and/or by sitting next to an experienced person a few times then taking their place whilst the experienced person watches.
We adapt our training from the tutorial produced by Oxford Bridge Club and distribute the PDF afterwards.
I would prioritise EBUScore help screens, or You-Tube videos, or even video-conference sessions above development of the App.
Sorry if this is negative but you asked for feedback and I am open to being persuaded by other viewpoints
It is impressive and I admire your skill
Peter Bushby Suffolk
Hi Peter
Thanks for taking the time to respond - your feedback is much appreciated.
The idea for this came about when I had to do a two session pairs all play all event. I can breeze through a single session with my eyes closed, but wasn't quite sure of the things that needed doing for a two session event, nor the order in which they needed doing. I ended up doing multiple checklists and still having to double check everything on the day.
This isn't meant to be a training tool (as you rightly point out it's not suitable). It's meant to be a virtual checklist / aide memoir / "comfort blanket" for directors doing unfamiliar things.