Eddy Appendix Mitchell movements
Our club is in the fortunate position of regularly getting 20-22 tables. We play these movements with 2 sets of 26 boards where tables 1-13 play one set and 14+ play the second set. We always have sitting N/S pairs (2 winners) as we have several elderly/infirm people playing. Does anyone have the table cards for 23 & 24 tables. There are just too many variables for me to create these for myself. I'm aware that EBU score has Web Mitchell movements as standard but these are different. I don't know how we came by the movements which we already have.
Appendix Mitchells have been out of favour for many years but they do have an advantage over many Web Michells in that only two sets of boards are needed. We used to play Appendix Mitchells at Sheffield BC before we ever had a Duplimator.
The principle of an Appendix Mitchell of 26 boards is that the EW pairs on Tables 1 to 13 move up 2 tables every round within a circuit of Tables 1-13, The NS pairs on the 13 highest numbered tables move up one table every round within a circuit of those 13 highest numbered tables.
For n tables, the NS pairs at Tables 1 to n-13 are stationary and the EW pairs at Tables 14 and higher are stationary.
Boards are set out 1&2 at Table 1 up to Boards 25&26 at Table 13 and start again with Boards 1&2 at Table 14 and after the highest numbered table, the remaining stack of boards go into a relay. Boards go down one table each round.
This would need to be programmed into probably either of Scorebridge or EBU Pairs Scorer.
Barrie Partridge - CTD for Bridge Club Live
Don't be put off programming them in yourself ... it has become an order of magnitude easier to set up user movements in EBU Score recently .
I had to do it in EBU Score Teams when I realised we only had two sets of boards rather than the three I expected 25 minutes before kickoff ... couldn't have done it in old EBU SCore but only took 10 minutes in the new one.
I just checked EBU Score Pairs and it looks as if the interface has been similarly improved.
Peter Bushby Suffolk
Eddy appendix Mitchells are different in that they have fewer moving pairs but the movements are more complicated.
I had missed the word "Eddy" in the title of the thread!
I had not heard of "Eddy" but for the Appendix Mitchells with which I am familiar, for n tables, there are 2n - 26 stationary pairs, which means that for 24 tables, there are 22 stationary pairs, and for 23 tables, 20 stationary pairs.
(I just googled Eddy Appendix Mitchell and found (1) this thread(!) and (2) that there is some French singer called Eddy Mitchell who is rumoured to be planning a worldwide tour at the end of 2021. There's no mention in the Encyclopedia of Bridge, which doesn't even cover Appendix Mitchells but does mention Web Mitchells. Maybe I need to find my lost Farringdon book?)
Once below 21 tables, I think there are better movements, and certainly as you approach 26 tables an Appendix tends to become two sections of 13 table Mitchells so that a Web Mitchell has the advantage of greater diffusion of players.
Barrie Partridge - CTD for Bridge Club Live
There's a description of the Eddy Appendix Mitchell on Page 24 of the EBU Movement Manual so in slow time I will have a go at creating the movement in EBUScore.
For Graham H are you using an electronic scoring system eg EBU or Scorebridge and if so have you tried printing table cards from the program?
Unfortunately not in my 1992 edition. There's just description of Appendix and Switched Appendix Mitchells. I'll look for a later edition. But thanks for the tip.
Barrie Partridge - CTD for Bridge Club Live
Here's a scan of (most of) page 24 - mine is the 2012 edition. https://1drv.ms/u/s!AmGaRHJzv2E2jeUnXfQlYc7dyBmPuw?e=V4zPnY
Thanks everyone.
Stan, the scan of the page looks helpful. We have club movements in Pairs scorer for 17 - 22 tables. Hopefully the description will allow me to validate those and create the 23 & 24 table movements I am hoping for. Then I know I can print table cards. The origins of the ones we already have is lost in time sadly.
I was hoping someone may have something already to save me (or Stan) to grind of manually writing out the movement ready to programme into Pairs scorer.
Barrie, I understand there are other movements (splitting into 2 sections) which would do the job, but I'd like to try and keep everything as familiar as possible for our members, directors and scorers. It's tough enough trying to control a room of 80+ people some of whom are in their 80s and 90s.
It's on page 23 of the 1992 edition.
Thanks - found it now :3 - Fascinating! I can see an advantage over ordinary Appendix Mitchells when the number of tables in in teens (though Web Mitchells and other movements are better) but not when table numbers are in the twenties. The movement of boards is complicated too, for tables 14+.
Barrie Partridge - CTD for Bridge Club Live
Hi all, I have already produced the Eddy Appendix Mitchell movements for another club so GrahamH if you can let me know your real name I can send them to you!