Home EBU TDs

Time Limits

1) I seem to remember reading somewhere that an appeal may be allowed after the time limit if the subject matter is sufficiently important. Have I made this up (or possibly read it in a club's own procedures)?

2) Suppose the director makes an error in a ruling which has a significant impact. Those that the appeal goes against don't realise this until after the Appeals correction period (because they are not experts in the law and could not be expected to know). Do they have any redress?


  • I think you may have made it up :) However, it is possible for a TD to give a longer period when giving a ruling, and this is commonly done when a ruling is given by email after the event.

  • White Book 2.5.5

    Appeal of late ruling
    If a ruling is given after the players have left the venue (for instance, a telephone ruling in a match played privately), then the 20-minute correction period for the decision to appeal is impractical. In this case, the TD should give a deadline for the decision to appeal with the ruling: for instance, 5pm on the day following the day on which the ruling was given.

  • If the director makes an error which is not noticed I think the tournament organiser could try proroguing its own Correction Period regulations and allow the ruling to be changed under the law on director's error. The tournament organiser and the TD could refer the ruling on director's error to another TD or to an appeals committee.

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