Law45 4b slip of the tongue?
I was called to a table where Declarer had called for a card from dummy and then asked for it to be changed to a different one (only two cards in the suit). The opponent who called me, hadn’t played yet so I allowed it. Can declarer now change their mind and say it’s a slip of the tongue?
It's not just a matter of them saying it's a slip of the tongue; it has to actually be one and that's something for you to determine as the TD. I think we would need a bit more information about exactly what cards were in dummy, how the previous play had gone and what exactly the player said in order to make some sort of a decision, though the way you have described it makes me think that it's rather more likely to have been a change of mind (not allowed) than a slip of the tongue.
I have probably let someone get away with a change of mind. The two cards in dummy are sQ and S7. The 7 changed to the queen. I don’t think the end result would be different as there were 11 sure tricks in 3nt. It’s something for me to watch out for next time!