Home EBU TDs

Is a bid or call confirmed at the moment is clears the bidding box?

North pulls out pass card but does not face it and notices that the preceding bid was insufficient, east passes quickly. Director was called. E/W insist N had passed but N/S disagreed.
Had east bid out of turn? Was North's intention to pass confirmed as he'd taken the pass card out of bidding box?
Director had a dilemma


  • B 3Z A 2 says:
    "A call is considered to have been made when the call is removed from the bidding box with apparent
    intent (but the TD may apply Law 25)."

    So North has passed and East was then entitled to pass.

  • WB 8.25.3 gives a slightly more detailed definition of "removed": If a card has been taken out of the box, so that the card is clear of the remaining cards in the box, the call has been made.

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