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Do not play last board

At the end of a session playing 3 boards a round the director says "Do not play last board" However at one table since the first board was passed out, they chose to play the 3rd board anyway. Should this board be discounted in the scoring. Also some scored the not played as average some scored it as just not played - for consistency which is correct?


  • The tables which did not play the last board should "score" that board not played - the director's instruction has changed the movement, and the boards are no longer scheduled to be played.

    The board which was played should be ruled on by the director (without reference to the actual result obtained):

    • the director can allow the result to stand or decide to cancel the board;
    • independently, the director can fine both pairs for disobeying the director's instructions.

    If the table finished its three boards before other tables had finished their two boards then I would not be too "upset" at the instructions being disregarded.

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