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Law 14B4 - missing card, Hand Found Deficient during play

Part of Law 14B4 states that the missing card "may become a penalty card".

I can see how it might happen if 14B1 (card found in quitted tricks) applies, but can it under 14B2 (card found elsewhere)?

I ask the question because the suggested answer to a question on the Club Directors course suggests it can.


  • Defenders' card on floor face up where it could have been seen by the other defender. Law 49.
    Obviously Declarer's or Dummy's card can't be a penalty card law 48A but defenders should be advised that the knowledge of the card is authorized information to them. That is if they have seen it!

  • A card found on the floor when there’s a card short at trick 13. This could constitute a revoke by the relevant player with only 12 cards.
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