Internet/Computer Failure
I am sure this must be covered somewhere!
A match played privately online.
Halfway through one of the players has an internet/computer failure.
40 mins pass without recovery, the teams decide they have waited long enough.
Should the match be replayed, scored over the boards played, resumed at a future date, is that player at fault etc.
Ideally the captains should seek a ruling before abandoning the boards.
If the boards had been played at one table but not the other, General Regulation 59 applies
Regardless of whether boards have not been played or have been cancelled., it is necessary to get a ruling on the unplayed boards - this ruling can be by agreement between the captains. The normal ruling is that the unplayed boards (plural) should be rescheduled and replayed. (The exception is there is only one unplayed board, which can not be replayed, Law 86A.)