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Indexed Bridge Laws

Please see the following photo showing page indexing of the Law book.
I find this helps TDs to easily locate some of the most commonly used Laws. The edge of the pages are trimmed (tabbed) so you can quickly get to the relevant pages.
Some are colour highlighted (Red for Revoke).
I’ve done this for the previous Law books and thought I’d pass the idea to other TDs. I also wondered if this could be automatically produced for the next 2027 Bridge Laws.
I’ve got the inside front page template for the current 2017 Laws if anyone is interested in a copy, let me know.
Kind regards Steve


  • Indexed Laws, sorry, struggling to add photo !!
  • The problem with it is you still need to know which law numbers refer to which situations. I've seen a number of TDs put book marks at appropriate places with the situations named on them.

  • edited October 2024

    Steve - do you use the flow charts? I find they are excellent in dealing with the common situations: We have a laminated set with the law books, I put the flow chart in the middle of the table and talk the player(s) through their options - it is then clear to everyone at the table what is happening, rather than hidden in a secret book.

    My only gripe is the male pronouns used - it's awkward trying to adjust "he" to "she" when reading through it for female players. Please could the flowcharts be changed to neutral "they".

  • You/One might find "they" will irritate as many as "he" but perhaps a different subsection. In some worlds "they" is plural rather than neutral.

  • Steve - This indexing seems a really useful help and I would love a copy. (jasmith@nildram.co.uk).
    I personally have never used the flowcharts.

  • I have a pdf version that effectively does the same thing - hyperlinks for common items, and also for internal references (e.g. "law 42 may apply").

  • edited October 2024

    Steve, I should earlier have added that your innovation is terrific - you should start preparing pre-orders and also submit it to the WBF for the next edition!

    @Jeremy69 said:
    You/One might find "they" will irritate as many as "he" but perhaps a different subsection. In some worlds "they" is plural rather than neutral.

    It might mildly irritate a tiny percentage, but that's a massive improvement on alienating half the players. "You" is both singular and plural, we seem to cope fine. "Please pick up your cards."

    The gender neutral version of 2017 laws were published nearly five years ago (https://www.ebu.co.uk/article/new-gender-neutral-version-laws-duplicate-bridge), maybe next time they will be the only version. I don't think there is any confusion in Law 9A1 saying "any player may draw attention to an irregularity during the auction period, whether or not it is their turn to call".

    In the current flowcharts (https://www.ebu.co.uk/documents/laws-and-ethics/laws/flow-charts.pdf) the word "his" appears 17 times and "he" 14 times. For "their" it's zero and "they" once. Can change the one "they" to "they both", then the rest of the male pronouns could be replaced. The use is clearly singular. Oh, and "himself" would become "themself" of course.

    @JeremyChild said:
    I have a pdf version that effectively does the same thing - hyperlinks for common items, and also for internal references (e.g. "law 42 may apply").

    Another great innovation - sounds like another submisison to the WBF!

  • Thank you for the comments. I wouldn’t know how to submit this suggestion to the WBF.
    I’ve sent an email copy of the shortened Index to JeffreyS as requested above.
    I do like the suggestion about laminated Flow Charts.
    Whilst I’ve seen them I’ve not used them myself.
    That said, I think I’ll arrange for them to be laminated, as we have 5 recently trained TDs who I’m sure may find them useful.
    Kind regards Steve
  • @JeremyChild, your pdf with hyperbole also sounds very useful. Do I assume you have it on a tablet at your club.
    Kind regards Steve
  • Hyperlinks (auto correct grrr)
  • @UsuallyDummy suggested Laminated Flowcharts, which some of the newer TDs find helpful. Thank you.
  • I’ve colour coded some.
    RED Revokes.
    BLUE Insufficient Bids and Bids out of Turn.
    (It makes them easier to find)
  • @SteveMap said:
    @JeremyChild, your pdf with hyperbole also sounds very useful. Do I assume you have it on a tablet at your club.
    Kind regards Steve

    I have it on my phone, and share it with anyone who wants it. Just p.m. me your emal address if you want a copy.

  • Thank you, that’s great, I think I’ve pm’d you my email.
    Kind regards Steve
  • Thanks again, Jeremy,
    Brilliant; Looks like a lot of work. I’m sure others would be interested in a copy.
    Kind regards Steve
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