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Movement Code

Wh is the coding for the first character of movement code mean?

i.e. rom

American Whist - 4 Rounds

the 5 in 5,3,36,6,4


  • edited July 2024

    Initial 5 = Teams movement

  • Thanks - do you know what other numbers in this position would be?

  • "3" = tables, "36" = boards in play, "6" = board-sets in play, "4" = rounds

  • Thanks again. What would the other values 0,1,2,3...etc be in the first position?

  • edited July 2024

    @jhowiebtinternetcom said:
    Thanks again. What would the other values 0,1,2,3...etc be in the first position?

    0,1,2 denotes pairs movement (see PSMovements.txt)

    0 = Howell
    1 = Mitchell (2-winner), including web Mitchell
    2 = Scrambled (1-winner mitchell with user-defined arrow-switch)

    Note that the first line of a pairs movement has six numbers


    The last number is zero (in all the examples I can find) but I think it can denote the pair number of a missing pair - if the movement only works for an odd number of pairs?

  • Thank you again. That is what I needed to know

  • Yes, the final number is 1 for movements like 1 1/2 table appendix Mitchells.
  • Internally, within each program there is a Movement Type of:
    0 –Howell - pairs may play in any direction against any pair.
    1 - Mitchell - pairs retain their direction throughout
    2 - Switched Mitchell - pairs may Arrow switch

    5 - American Whist
    6 - Score Break
    7 - Stagger though it has no practical use (always 5)

    3 - 1-winner
    4 - 4-winner

    The Movement Type in Pairs has implications in terms of:

    Listing Names as either NS or EW numbers or as plain numbers,
    In checking that a new entered movement is valid according to the Movement criteria above
    In whether its a one or two winner movement
    In determining the output display

    The Switched Mitchell is a subset of the Howell Movement (i.e. it is a one winner but the arrowswitch determines which pairs can play) so you can use the Type = 0 even though the actual movement happens to be this specific subset. Technically, if its a switched mitchell it should be 2 but the only impact would be if you printed the names list where for a Howell it would be plain numbers, for a Switched Mitchell it would be NS then EW names.

    You can turn a Mitchell into a Switched Mitchell of course, but that would make it always one winner even with no arrowswitches. This is applicable if the club has small numbers of tables and always wants single winner.

    Movements are in comma separated files.

    Movement, Tables, Boards, Boards per Round, Rounds, Missing Pair

    Movement, Tables, Boards, Boards per Round, Rounds

    Movement, Tables, Boards, Board per Round, Rounds, Players

    In an Individual, The combination of Tables and Players indicate the Missing Players (assumed to be highest numbered)

  • The rest of the Movement is laid out as a Table Card:
    (As Manning but he uses A,B,C rather than 1,2,3 etc as the sets )

    Table 1: NS, EW, Set, NS, EW, Set, ....
    Table n: NS, EW, Set, NS, EW, Set,....

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