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Teams of 12 movement

I would like advice how to set up a movement as I cannot see a way in EBUScoreTeams
Two teams of 12, team A vs B. total 24 boards in 2 sets of 12 as there is a break after 12 boards. Each pair in each team to play all other team players i.e. A1 plays 4 boards vs eacj of B1, B2, B3 before the break then B4, B5, B6 after the break.. Siggestions please


  • Make A odd numbers 1, 3 5 and B even 2 , 4, 6 B switch polarity in part 2.
    1v2 1-4
    3v4 9-12
    5v6 17-20
    1v4 17-20
    3v6 1-4
    5v2 9-12
    1v6 9-12
    3v2 17-20
    5v4 1-4

    In second half play 4 boards after

    eg 1v2 5-8
    3v4 13-16
    5v6 21-24 etc.

    Does this work for you?

  • It's similar to a movement we use but we score as teams of 4

  • Thanks for this - I actually want to play boards 5-8 in place of 17-20. I will try a test setup to evaluate

  • There are two possibilities - Head-to-Head parallel rows or Odd-Even General Movement as described above by Jerseybean. Head to Head has the big advantage that only one team needs to move so is safer and easier to control!

    I used Hed-to-Head to run the Lancs v Manchester Teams of 12 with EBUClubTeams/Bridgemates a few weeks back. This movement is in the new EBUClubTeams but you can move it into EBUScoreteams (or better still use EBUClubTeams!).

    The movement employed is a Double Mitchell. In these movements, only the Home Team needs to move. Scoring each round. As an example Teams of 12 players.

    Place tables in 2 parallel rows numbered as:
    Tables: 1 2 3
    Session 1 Boards: 1-4 5-8 9-12
    Session 2 Boards: 13-16 17-20 21-24
    Sharing with table: 4 5 6

    The home team occupies the 3 tables (1,2,3) in one row and the visiting team occupies the other row tables (4,5,6). Assuming a 24-board match, 4 boards are allocated to each table of one row and the E-W pairs of both teams exchange places. Each set of 4 boards is then played between the pairs of tables. For the next round, the boards are moved to the next lowered numbered table, and the home team members move to the next higher numbered table,
    players keeping to their own row of tables. This set of 4 boards are then played between the two rows
    and the movement repeated a third time, after which all the players will have met half of their opponents over 12 boards.
    For the second half of the match, new boards are distributed to the tables, but the E-W and N-S pairs of the moving team interchange positions. The whole movement is repeated, and the players now compete against the other half of the opponents.

    At the end you get 6 teams of 4 results. You just add the Teams 1,2,3 scores as the Home Team and 4,5,6 as the Away team full Team of 12 score.

    You can do all this without a scoring program , letting the players score manually and just collating it at the end.
    A similar movement works for Teams of 20, 28 etc.

  • The rest of the Movement is laid out as a Table Card:
    (As Manning but he uses A,B,C rather than 1,2,3 etc as the sets )

    Table 1: NS, EW, Set, NS, EW, Set, ....
    Table n: NS, EW, Set, NS, EW, Set,....

  • Thank you JeffreyS. I had not looked at ClubTeams - will do now



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