call OOR at a table with a screen
Please kindly make your comments on the following cases
Case A ) S is the dealer and makes an opening bid of 1cl. But before W makes a call , the tray is slid across the table by S.
When the Td is called , he detects the following actions , and rules the each situation accordingly.
1) N has bid 1D . Td's rulling : 1D is removed and and the tray is slid back for W to call.
2) N has bid 1D but E has also bid 1sp.
Two different Td 'rullings : 1 ) Both of the bids are removed and the tray is slid back for W to call 2) N 's call is OOR and it has already been accepted by E bidding 1sp . So the tray is slid back as if no infraction had occurred.(The action proceeds from 1sp )
(Please pick out the correct one)
3) The tray is slid back by N ( I don't know if it makes any different if E slides the tray back ) . W calls the Td But N and E had already
bid( 1D and 1Sp)
Td's rulling. The TD lets the auction carry on from 1Sp . ( As if no infraction -no rectification)
Case B :
The same auctions. But this time İt is W who slid the tray without making a call.
Do you agree on the Td's rulings ? I will be pleased if there are any other rulings that I have to consider.
Secaaddin Özdeniz
5.1.3 Modification of Rectifications when screens are in use
(a) An irregularity passed through the screen is subject to the normal laws with the
following provisions:
I think this means that North's 1D is a call out of turn, which must be corrected if it can, so the first ruling is correct. However, once East has called over it, it has been accepted and the auction continues from there. This is irrespective of who has passed the tray through.
Regarding the case "a " I think it does not make any difference who passed the tray through.
Thank you very much for your comment. You have been very helpful
Secaaddin Özdeniz