Submitting Teams results for NGS
Hi there
We are running a handicap teams event at the club and have 9 teams partaking.
Our 1st session was completed last week, scored in IMPs with handicaps applied - there will be 6 such sessions ran over the winter and best 5 scores count. All ran great until I tried to upload to the EBU for the scores to apply for NGS.
This was scored in Scorebridge and I converted the results to X-IMPS and saw what I expected to see on screen (results for E/W and N/S separately) and then uploaded that file to the EBU. I noticed that in the EBU system it was totally wrong when compared to the X-IMPs I could see on screen and masterpoints were going to incorrect teams. So I quickly deleted that submission.
A few days later I just uploaded the raw teams IMP score file and hoped that it would show X-IMPs and NGS after being processed overnight.
So, can this event be processed properly for Masterpoints and NGS or can it only provide masterpoints?
Obviously all the information submitted has been before the handicap was applied.
Many thanks
You say: "A few days later I just uploaded the raw teams IMP score file and hoped that it would show X-IMPs and NGS after being processed overnight." Did that not happen? 'What did happen? NGS needs to have raw results, not handicapped ones, to process.
Handicaps are being processed manually and separately, so it is just raw teams data sent.
Our club's number is 202455 if that's useful to check?
I've asked Jonathan, the CLO to look into it when he has time.
Many thanks :)
Hi Martin, the issue is that the pairs within each team haven't got pair numbers in the XML file. I can fix this so the session will upload. I don't have access to a copy of Scorebridge so I don't know if there is a way to do this in Scorebridge so it will upload without fixing. In EBUScore you would need to Initialise Seating Lineups, I don't know if Scorebridge has something similar. Jonathan
It is not a big job to manually input pair numbers into the xml file, so I will do that.
For now I have deleted the previous upload and will re-submit
Hi Jonathan, I have taken a look at the XML file and pair numbers were included - 1-9 for NS and 10-18 for EW.
When I look at the x-IMPs in Bridgewebs it showed separate results for NS and EW and each half had pair numbers 1-9. So I replaced the 10-18 numbers for the relevant 1-9 pair numbers, but this then failed when I tried to upload.
Are you able to post a template of the file format or let me have a copy of one that works? I suspect that the issue will be with header names, or whatever, but I can work it out from a working format. As there will be another 5 results to post, I am looking for a way of amending the file in future, rather than a work around at your end, if that is possible.
If possible, you can post the file here or you can email me:
Hi Martin, I will reply by email. Jonathan
Our BridgeTab system auto runs Scorebridge 9 and although we did update to version 10 some time ago, we don't use it.
So I gave it a go tonight, submitting via Scorebridge 10 and it worked fine!
Yay, a nice simple fix for once 😀