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Minimum Tables for Masterpoints Requirement

At a recent club visit, I was told that they run Mitchells for 3, 4 and 5 tables because many pairs dislike moving, but they switch the last round to ensure Masterpoint awards! This just prompted me to wonder why there was a minimum number of tables (3 for one winner, 5 for 2 winner) required for these awards?


  • edited July 2023

    Master Point and Licensing Handbook

    3.1.1 No Master Points will be awarded for an event unless the original entry was at least:
    (a) 2 complete tables in a single-winner individual event
    (b) 3 complete tables in a single-winner pairs event (i.e. Howell type)
    (c) 3 complete teams in a team event
    (d) 5 complete tables in a two-winner pairs event (i.e. Mitchell type)
    (e) 5 complete tables in a four-winner individual event (i.e. a N, S, E & W winner).

    The handbook is low on rationale, and most of the design decision for the master point scheme are lost to history, but the basic idea is that for pairs/individuals you do not give master points if less than 5 competitors are being compared, all based on full tables. One fewer tables in (a), (b), (d) and (e) would give only 4 competitors in each line.

    That is why it varies for different types of movement/competition.

    Why 5 competitors? Because awards for 1/3 of the field in a field of 4 is in severe damage of awarding master points to competitors below average in a singe session event.

  • If you're trying to create a single-winner movement from a Mitchell at a table count that low, shouldn't you arrow-switch only about half the boards of the last round, rather than all of them? Otherwise too many boards get arrow-switched and the movement becomes imbalanced.

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