Home EBU TDs

2 wrongs make a ?

W deals and opens 1H
N overcalls 2C
E thinks then slowly removes the double card from the bidding box and slowly begins to place it on the table. Just before released .....
S bids 2D.
East then realised he'd used the X card rather than the intended stop card.
The above agreed by all at table. East, whose hand was a raise to either 3H or 4H , was allowed (Law 25A?) to substitute stop then 4H passed out.
Q.1. With other leads unattractive I felt able to allow N to lead his singleton D to partner's Ace and receive a ruff. Assuming that's ok had a D lead been less attractive I should?
Q.2. Not, I think, on this hand but the 2D bid may affect E in choosing between 3H and 4H depending on his D holding thus gaining from his slowness in placing the X on the table. Any regulation/thoughts on this?


  • L25A6 If a substitution is allowed the LHO may withdraw
    any call he made over the first call. Information
    from the withdrawn call is authorized to his side and
    unauthorized to the opponents.

    So there are no restrictions on North, but the information that South had bid 2D is unauthorised to East.

  • One further point, should East try to argue that South was quick off the mark in bidding, our regulations say:

    "A call is considered to have been made when the call is removed from the bidding box with apparent
    intent (but the TD may apply Law 25)."

  • As I didn't know the exact timing of the 2D bid that clears up any unease I had, so not "2 wrongs".
    Thank you.
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