Running parallel League Matches
Does anyone have detailed instructions on how to set up Bridgemates and EBUScore to run two County League Matches at the same venue at the same time,? The matches are all head to head, 24 boards in two 12 board stanzas where one (home) team plays just one other (away) team and pairs change after the first stanza with NS on the home table staying stationary throughout.
Are they teams-of-four matches? And do you mean just two matches - ie four tables in total - or two groups with more than one match in each?
There is a bit of information at but I'm sure we can help more here as soon as we know exactly what is needed. The main thing will be to create or identify suitable movements.
I've created a movement for 3 head to head matches playing 24 boards in two stanzas. The movement composer is quite simple to use (once you have your head round it:)
Set up movement for 4 tables.
County 1 use Bridgemates 1 and 2. Set up movement in composer. Round 1, ns1 v ew 2 boards 1-12 and ns2 v ew1 boards 1-12. Round 2, ns1 v ew 2 boards 13-24, etc
County 2, Bridgemates 3 and 4. As above but ns3 v ew4 and round 1 boards 13-24, round 2 boards 1-12. These are exchanged after round 1.
Ns1 and ns3 remain seated.
Hope this is what you need.
Gordon, They are teams of four matches. We may have up to (say) 10 teams in each league and each team will play 24 boards against just one other team that night (in two stanzas) so there will be five individual matches taking place in a league of 10 teams. In the other league, there will be a similar competition taking place and we need to score both leagues simultaneously and separately using one laptop and one BM server. Both leagues play the same boards and at the end of the evening, we need to upload results separately to our own website and to the EBU.
OK, so you need to run it as two sections combined and then upload from the separate sessions. You create the two sections separately, each with its own movement and then combine them into a multi-event from which to run the Bridgemates, with one section getting the A Bridgemates and the other the B.
The movements you use should look like this in the TSUserMovements.txt file (this example for two matches, four teams, but you can add more as necessary):
H2H teams
For three matches it would become:
H2H teams
And so on.
That's the format mine have in the txt file. Can you write this directly in a txt file rather than using New Movement in movement library? Also, what does the "5" represent in the first line?
Yes, you can put it in a text file and name it whatever you like as long as you link to it from the EBUScore Teams Administration page.
The 5 just identifies it as a teams movement and for the benefit of everyone else the second number in the first line is the number of tables, then the number of boards, boards per round (these two can be adjusted when setting up an event, they are just defaults), number of rounds.
We have used this sort of scheme for many years in scoring the Gloucestershire County League, and you can see the results pages on the web site. The league runs on usually 10 evenings throughout the year and we customise the team numbers for different matches each session, but that is a simple text editing job. We usually run 14 tables playing 4 sets of 7 boards, and stagger which boards each match starts with, to cut down the Duplimating effort; we set up the bridgemates to expect the right boards by what we put in the movement file.
The only small nuisance we have had is when a match got cancelled, and the movement ran fine with 2 less tables, but the upload for P2P/NGS purposes got rejected because it didn't like there being two teams with no player names. We found if we edited those teams out of the P2P/XML file it would upload just fine.
We create each match as a separate section. We then do a "merge sections" to create a control event. We use the control event to drive the bridgemates. At the end of the evening we revert back to the separate sections for obtaining the results.
Our matches are knockout matches. Earlier this year we had a 12 team knockout event. We defined six sections labelled A to F for the matches, plus a seventh section which was a triella in case one team dropped out at the last moment. We merged all seven sections into a single control event and it worked a treat.