Announcing and alerting table in HTML format
I have seen a couple of websites which have the announcing and alerting table in HTML format - for example:
This format is quicker, easier and more convenient than the PDF On the EBU website, espeically if looking up on a phone. Has it been produced by the EBU and could it be put on the EBU website for easy linking and/or embedding by clubs?
There is a mistake on that HTML version - the 2NT N/A box should have a red border. Looks like the mark-up should be: style="border:3px solid red"
The Blue Book is being revised for 2023. including changes to alerting and announcing - ducks
The alerting and announcing summary will need to be updated - which I will start on when the Blue Book changes stabilize. I agree HTML would be an improvement for online (smart) viewing. If I change the format, I will need to ensure that a printed version from the HTML looks OK because the printed PDF is displayed at some events and in some clubs.
I think you can stand up straight now Robin LOL!
Perhaps you could rename the "Annoucing and Alerting Summary" to "Announcing and Alerting Epic". Altough I do hope that any changes will reduce the summary by at least two pages. Ah! well we can all live in hope.
This is a serious dilemma to which I have no easy answer. Some (players and regulators) expect every nuance of the alerting/announcing regulations to be reflected in the "summary" - which to me means it is going to be longer that the regulations. Others want a summary covering the common situations in less than 3 pages - much as the 2006 original document did.
There's no problem producing both PDF and HTML as has already been done for the current summary - my original request was to please consider also adding the HTML version onto the EBU website. I think I may have found the origin of the HTML version:
If it's produced as HTML first then it should be straightforward to Print to PDF from a web browser.
I hope you don't mind a few thoughts for future updates:
If the Blue book is being updated, please could we take the opportunity to further de-genderise it? The current Blue Book has "he" and "his" appearing 32 and 22 times each ("their" appears 30 times, some of them for plural players).