Home EBU TDs

Is this a Psyche

Board 3. N/S non vul. E/W Vul. South dealer.
W. N. E. S.
— — — P
1D 5C Dbl P
Result 7 tricks -800.
Is North’s 5C bid a Psyche Y/N.
If No, should it be recorded in a Psyche book because it is so weak.
Sorry about the display of the hands, but I’m not sure how to change the format.


  • I do not believe it to be a psyche since presumably their agreement is weak with clubs. Certainly if it is not a psyche it should not be in a psyche book.

    Crazy bids are quite common really. The only reason to take a note of a crazy bid is if there is some suspicion of something else going on, in which case the record should be in something other than the psyche book.

  • Thanks Bluejak, I don’t think this is a Psyche either.
    After the opening Pass from South, 1D from West, North can estimate E/W have 26+ points for a Vulnerable game contract. Although North’s 5C bid seems a bit kamikazi I think it’s more of a Sacrifice bid.
    Regards Steve
  • The TD for the event also consulted and received the same opinions that this was not a psych but just a very aggressive bid. Some believed that it deserved the bad score it got!

    Barrie Partridge - CTD for Bridge Club Live

  • There is no harm in recording this hand, just make sure you have a file called 'Records of hands' not ;Pysche book'.

    The EBU 'report of hand' forms go on file, whether the hand is recorded as 'Pysche', 'Deviation', 'Misbid' or 'Other'. The form also allows 'Psyches' to be classified as 'Red', 'Amber', 'Green', and 'not a psyche'.

  • Thank you, that seems to cover everything. 👌
  • Looks like the sort of crazy bid I do sometimes - normally considering myself as unlucky for a successful sacrifice against a laydown slam that only 1 person bid!
    Fortunately, I have very understanding partners :)

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