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Ops intervention on Rules / Ruling

It was a simple insufficient bid of 3 Clubs with a simple ruling excepet that before they called me the opponents had told the offender that it was an insufficient bid and what foilowed was a flurry of alternative bids before I was called. I started . . "the insuffictent bid can be replaced with a sufficient bid" . . . offender produces the 4 Clubs card ' "ah but" came from ops "before I called you I told her it was an insufficient bid and she put a 3NT bid down and when we told her that there would be penalties she wanted to change that bid." I dictated the rules to ops and their reply was "yes but what about her first change to 3NT"

What is the correct course of action / ruling in these circumstances


  • Law 27C is where I would look.

  • @gordonrainsford said:
    Law 27C is where I would look.

    Indeed and that is clear but what is not clear is whether I should or need to factor in the various bid choices made by the offender before I was called?

  • The opponents are allowed to accept 3C and if they do not then 3NT is the call made, partner is barred from bidding and lead penalties could apply. The player then tried to change that call and L25B applies to the attempted change. So they can accept 4C if they wish but otherwise it is cancelled and is UI to partner.

    Depending on exactly what the NOS did and said, it might be that Law 11 should also be considered.

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