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EBU Score Teams - Factor IMPs flag

In EBU Score Teams (V1.2.6) ... Event Details ... Scoring tab, there is a Factor IMPs tick box, with the comment 'Tick if IMPs are factored for Teams who play less boards'. Can anyone explain what (if anything) this does?


  • During a round, or when there is a sitout, the teams who have played fewer boards have their scores factored up based on those who have played the highest number of boards, so that the scores are comparable.

  • If some teams sit out, ticking this box factors the sitting out teams' scores so that the effectively the event is scored on IMPs/board-played. This is probably best if there is no conversion to VP and not all the teams sit out.

    If all the teams sit out eventually. ticking this box will not affect the final ranking, but it does produce more realistic running scores.

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