Weak2 openings
Hello ,
With regard to weak 2 openings ( in 1st and 3rd seat) is 4c allowed ? What is the acceptable point range ?
in a club environment or an int tournament if weak 2 openings are generally considered 6c and 6-10 point range , openings with less than 5 points with 4c are to be alerted ? if so, how ? saying only "weak" is sufficient ? Or are we supposed to consider them as psyche or brown sticker ? Exp . RJxx ,xxx, xxx,xxx or RJxx ,xx, xxxx, xxx ( 2sp opening ) .
Thank you very much in advance for your help.
Secaaddin Özdeniz
The calls are allowed for any strength provided the bid shows at least 4 cards in the suit opened. See 6D in the EBU Blue Book
The call must be alerted as it has a potentially unexpected meaning i.e. most people will think it shows six (possibly 5)
There are no point limits - nor (unlike 1NT) there is no requirement for a single point range - (at level 4 - at level 2 a variable point range would come under the 'multi' exclusion. (This would mean that you couldn't play 2 Hearts as 0-17 with an agreement not to open in the range 9-12/)
As always, the answer to this question depends on the regulations in force and in the EBU clubs do not necessarily have to follow those of the national organisation.
Thank you very much for your interest and explanations. As an example of the case in the following contract
2h opening bid is not alerted. But general understanding is weak 2 6c and 6-10 points.
N is Dealer.
E-W calls the td and complains, when they play 4d and make it 4d+2 , that " if N hadn't opened with only 4 points
we would have reached the 6d" ." He should have alerted" that he had only 4 points and 5c h.
Since 2h wasn't alerted ,
1)Do you think that E-W i should have asked N the meaning of 2h ( about how weak and the point range) in order to secure themselves when they have such a huge hand ?
2) do you think that a score adjustment of 4d+2 to 6d is needed ?
Thank you very much .
Secaaddin Ozdeniz
It's hard to believe that the reason for playing 4D when 6D could make was down to 2H being opened on a 4 count not a 5 count. If they had concentrated on bidding the value of their hands it likely would have made little or no difference.
Well, it is always best when describing weak 2 bids to be as complete as possible, so the possibility that 2H is on only 4 with a 5 card suit should be mentioned if they ask about the bid.
Assuming we accept that there is misinformation,;
much like Jeremy, I'd be sceptical about accepting the claim that EW would reach 6D with that explanation. Its a judegment situation, and you have to decide whether EW are likely to bid differently with the explanation above as opposed to the assumption of 6 cards, 6-9 HCP. It's not a huge difference in the expectations on the North hand.