Alerting jump overcalls
I have just been looking through the blue book, and can't seem to see anything on whether to alert any jump overcalls. I am asking specifically for BBO with self-alerting (where I think they should always be alerted), but also interested on the rules for other platforms, including F2F. Can anyone point me to the correct place, or otherwise enlighten me? Thanks
No, natural jump overcalls have never been alertable.
Face-to-face, you generally alert only two-suited overcalls (or other sorts of really weird overcalls like transfer overcalls); all the "normal" sorts of natural overcall (weak, intermediate, strong) aren't alertable.
The opponents will nearly always need to know, though (jump overcalls are one of the things I consistently ask about, with the consistency being required in order to avoid giving UI), so I think it makes sense to self-alert them when on BBO. I don't think there's actually a requirement to do so, but there's no good reason not to.
I have to disagree - I don't think I ever ask or feel the need to know, except perhaps before the play or much later in the auction.