The recent NGS Issue and the impact on the Grade History Graph
I'm just wondering if anybody can shed any light on this apparent anoma!y : since the NGS Issue occurred my Grade History Graph shows an almost instantaneous drop of 3% about 100 sessions ago, This was not there prior to the issue occurring. My current grade seems about right, just curious why the historical data appears to have changed so radically.
You may well find that if you sort your sessions into the order in which they were processed, by clicking the top of the NGS column in your sessions list, it is clearer what effect each session had on your grade.
Thank you, I did try that but the graph remains based on results which are out of sequence.
I've had a look at your record and nothing seems particularly strange to me. What is the NGS Issue you are talking about?
Thank you for checking, I've created a couple of screenshots which will hopefully help illustrate the issue.........
All this seems to show to me is that at least one of your sessions was processed out of order. Nothing very unusual in that. Your graph shows your results in the order in which they were processed. Your sessions list can be re-ordered into the processing order by clicking on the NGS column. You can see more information about recently re-processed results on your NGS tab, further down than the graph.
I'm still not sure what the "NGS Issue" was that you talked about.
The dates on the graph are the dates the sessions were played on and not the dates that the results were processed (or reprocessed). What that means is that the Grade History Graph is incorrect because it is showing data in the wrong order.
As I said "Your graph shows your results in the order in which they were processed". This will not always be the order in which they were played.
Yes, but if the results are not displayed in the order in which they were played, the graph is not really a Grade History Graph, but a Processing History Graph, and I can't see that is of much help to people. Was there a reason why processing order was chosen as the x-axis?
It is a grade history because your grade changes according to when results are processed. I think it's clear why it cannot be otherwise, without reprocessing the entire system every time a result is corrected or submitted out of order. That simply isn't practical.
I see that, but why not sort the results for the Grade History Graph in playing order rather than processing order ? That would be no extra work.
Because that was not the order in which your grade changed. One of the most frequent questions I get about the NGS is about why a positive outcome is shown by an apparent decline in their grade in the sessions list. The answer is for them to sort their sessions into processing order, by clicking above the NGS column. What you are requesting is to extend the apparent contradiction to the NGS graph too!