Poor play by substitute robot
An interesting problem, and new to me.
Pairs on BBO
West is defending and disconnects mid-hand.
After a while TD puts in a robot.
The robot mis-defends!
East wants an adjustment.
West has meanwhile returned.
Is that just tough or should I annul the board (or something else)?
Just tough.
Sky Blue Book 3.2 Replacement of Players in pairs events (WB 2.3)
In pairs event, players may be replaced by a substitute at the instigation of the TD. Robots can
be used as replacements, where this is provided by the platform, even in events where players
are not allowed to enter with robot partners. Over the course of the session a pair may
comprise any number of players (and robots).
All scores obtained by a pair where one or both players have been replaced stand for the pair
and for the opponents. NGS grading will be based on the scores on all the boards played by
any players representing the pair.
If the player originally entered does not play half the boards, they will not appear in the final
ranking list, and, in this case, if a substitute player does play half the boards, they will appear in
the final ranking list. A player who is originally entered and plays at least half the boards will
be eligible for master points and will be graded for NGS.