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EBU Score - is there an app

Hi, I am looking at alternatives to using BridgeTabs and Scorebridge.

I know that EBUScore exists and I can install that no problem, but is there an app for Android tablets and the like that could be used for remote scoring?

If there isn't, are their plans to create one?


  • Thanks Gordon, I had not seen that one before. I was thinking more along the lines of an EBU scoring app that could be installed on tablets - the results from which would feed into EBUScore

    We are currently using BridgeTabs and Scorebridge, however, I am intetested in moving away from BridgeTabs for a number of reasons. Someone mentioned that EBUScore works with remote scoring, but it seems only with 3rd party solutions?

    I would suggest, if not already in the pipeline, that you look into that. It could be another revenue stream when clubs get back to normal. Some annual licence at £5.00-£10.00 per unit would be competitive and I am sure that there would be some reasonable level of takeup on clubs.
  • Martin, when you say "remote scoring" do you mean a phone/tablet at the table connected to a scoring program via internet, or do you just mean phone/tablet connected by wifi to a PC in the club premises running a scoring program , as with the BridgeTab/Scorebridge combination ?

    If it's the latter then our BridgePal wireless scoring system is an alternative to BridgeTab, in fact some of our user clubs switched from BridgeTab. It runs on android, is free to download and use, works with the commonly used scoring programs like EBUScore, Scorebridge etc. It's used by about 100 clubs worldwide (or was before lockdown), about 58 of these being in England. Full details at http://bridgepal.co.uk

  • Hi jgoacher - thanks for the tip - I will take a look.

    Long story:
    I fell out with BridgeTabs previously over something going wrong with their system and they refused support (even though we were early adopters and advocates for them - we had visitors coming to the club to check out their system). We were even quoted on their website!
    It was a technical issue and their documentation did not give sufficient information to resolve. The club used a mobile dongle for internet access and we had perhaps 8 months left of our licence when we changed from mobile broadband to fixed broadband. The licence stopped working!
    I know that the licence covered only the computer being used, but the computer had not changed, only the internet connection. I could plug/unplug the mobile dongle to prove this too. I even spoofed the MAC address for the modem as I thought it may have been linked to that (it wasn't).
    They refused to help until I threatened all sorts of stuff relating to negative press in the bridging community, trading standards etc. Eventually they gave us a new licence code which worked fine.
    However, at that time I looked at alternatives (of which there were few) and they were prohibitively expensive.

    Now, I went to the club yesterday and checked out a few things to find that the licence has expired over the time we have been away and we will have lost about 6 months worth of fees. I cannot see from previous experiences with them that they are likely to give any sort of extension or discount on the next fees. So I wanted to look to alternative suppliers.

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