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Pivot Teams

I am running a pivot teams event on the 8th. I have movements for 7+ teams, but this year there may only be six.

The structure will be 5 rounds of 8 boards in format

Two Matches : Switch Partners
One Match : Switch Partners
Two Matches

Any Idea as to best movement?


  • That's near enough the movement that I input last week as I might have had six for a pivot teams. It's in Manning Page 148, but if you have the break after 3 rounds, the Disordered Stagger (the name usually gets a good laugh if I announce it at the start of the session) in Manning has to be re-ordered again as its break for changing boards is after 2 rounds rather than three.

    I actually ended up with 5 tables/teams and what works really nicely is three mini-movements of American Whist (Pairs down two taking boards down one throughout) so after each mini-movement of playing 8 boards there is a scoring break, change of boards, and pivot. If you think you may have 6 teams, it's worth preparing for five. I had to input this movement too.

    Barrie Partridge - CTD for Bridge Club Live

  • With small numbers and long rounds and an even number of teams you can play the same boards at all tables in all rounds. Then you just need a complete schedule of matches and pivot when you want.

  • edited December 2022


    I actually worked out using a long triples, a single round, then two more rounds, with shared boards. I need two breaks and this enables me to break after two rounds and three rounds. It also means players can discuss the boards when they go back to their tables at each break. With 8 boards, sharing should not be a problem.

    Table 1                 Table 2                 Table 3     
    Rd NS EW Set Rd NS EW Set Rd NS EW Set
    1 1 2 1~8 1 2 3 9~16 1 3 1 17~24
    2 1 3 17~24 2 2 1 1~8 2 3 2 9~16
    3 1 4 9~16 3 2 5 17~24 3 3 6 1~8
    4 1 5 25~32 4 2 6 33~40 4 3 4 41~48
    5 1 6 41~48 5 2 4 25~32 5 3 5 33~40
    Table 4                 Table 5                 Table 6     

    Rd NS EW Set Rd NS EW Set Rd NS EW Set
    1 4 5 1~8 1 5 6 9~16 1 6 4 17~24
    2 4 6 17~24 2 5 4 1~8 2 6 5 9~16
    3 4 1 9~16 3 5 2 17~24 3 6 3 1~8
    4 4 2 25~32 4 5 3 33~40 4 6 1 41~48
    5 4 3 41~48 5 5 1 25~32 5 6 2 33~40

  • I've run a 3 session Thurner movement before. Any combination of 3+3+2 rounds breaking after 15, 25, or 30 boards. Table 6 always sharing with their team-mates.

  • The above should read - 5x(3+3+2) board rounds.

  • Can't seem to work out a double pivot for 5 teams - I don't think there can be one. Closest is a compacted American Whist with a Pivot after round 2.

  • edited January 2023
    With small numbers of teams you can run the full movement three times and pivot each time. So with five tables you run an American Whist movement with two-board rounds, three times. It does need 30 boards in play for each team to play 24.
  • @gordonrainsford said:
    With small numbers of teams you can run the full movement three times and pivot each time. So with five tables you run an American Whist movement with two-board rounds, three times. It does need 30 boards in play for each team to play 24.

    Thanks - clever idea: Will make use of it if we drop to five. (although it will be 45 boards with 36 played)

  • Yes, it's a really good movement. I used it just last week. :)

    Barrie Partridge - CTD for Bridge Club Live

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