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Blue Book and White Book changes



  • As some one who plays Benji a fair bit I find that my non-balanced 2 Club bids are more often two-suited rather than single-suited. These also more likely to fit into the new definition of strong. So I say:
    'Either a good 22 to 24 balanced or a strong one- or two-suited hand but less than game-forcing'

  • But that doesn't work if the suit is clubs - then the hand must be strong as defined or we have a strong/ non-natural/natural triple which I believe is not allowed.

    "19-20 or a hand with 8-9 playing tricks in any suit, forcing but not to game: if the suit is clubs then the hand will be strong."

  • 'Either a good 22 to 24 balanced or a strong one- or two-suited hand but less than game-forcing' Simply do not open non-strong hands with a Benji 2 Clubs

  • @Paul_Gibbons said:
    'Either a good 22 to 24 balanced or a strong one- or two-suited hand but less than game-forcing' Simply do not open non-strong hands with a Benji 2 Clubs


  • I have been asked about the legality of opening 2D to show any unspecified weak 2-suiter.

    I think it illegal under 7C1c. For (i) it fails because diamonds might be one of the 5 card suits. For (ii) no suit specified in this 2D. (iii) clearly n/a.

    So illegal?

  • edited October 2022

    Something like this came up twice in a NO ROBOT event on Sunday - and I got both decisions wrong.

    The hand in Question was something like

    H X
    D X
    C QXX
    Anyway 12 points in the two longest suits with at least 10 cards in them.

    I was called at one table because a player had opened 2 Spades and described the bid as "Strong"

    I was called at another table because a player had opened 2 Clubs described as "8 Playing tricks in any suit".

    The first ruling should be: MI (Law 21) (Opponents could make 6 Hearts but not sure if they could bid it even if they had been given the correct explanation.

    The Second Ruling is : Illegal Agreement - Unless further evidence is brought out that the hand has to be strong (at least in clubs), in which case there is probably some MI. Below are all the descriptions - (Most opened 1 Spade or 4 Spades)

    2 Club openers

    Descriptions : 8 Playing tricks or 20-22 points (illegal)
    8 Tricks in Any Suit (Illegal)
    Strong Hand (MI)

    2 Spade openers

    Strong Hand (MI)

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