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Opening lead after auction not officially over - ACBL

ACBL club game. Bidding cards are picked up BEFORE the end of the auction. Leaving them on the table would likely have prevented this upcoming question.

1H - Double - 2H - Pass
Pass - Double - 3H - Pass
Pass - ????

At this point, the doubler asked if the auction was over and both opener and responder said it was over. Doubler made an opening lead. Before dummy was displayed, someone (everyone?) realized there had not been three passes to end the auction.

So what happens now? The doubler's opening lead turns into a penalty card but it is now his call? Law 24B forces partner to pass on his next call? Can the doubler double again knowing his partner must pass or is double not allowed as his call at this point?


  • Assuming there are no ACBL regulations, "practice" would suggest that when the doubler picks up his calls this indicates that he is completing the auction with a pass.

    But Law 47E says the opening lead can be changed because doubler was mistakenly informed that they were to lead (and dummy has not been exposed). Law 47E says the card is retracted without further rectification. so it will not be a penalty card and Law 24 does not apply, and we can consider the auction still open.

  • I am confused as to when the bidding cards were picked up. Were they picked up before or after the doubler asked whether the auction was over?

  • @ManchesterRambler said:
    I am confused as to when the bidding cards were picked up. Were they picked up before or after the doubler asked whether the auction was over?


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